Dr. Aydin Duygu

Dr. Aydin Duygu

MD, MSc, Medical Doctor

Dr. Aydin Duygu MD,MSc
 Medical Doctor: Karadeniz Technical University, Medical School.
 Specialist in Family Medicine: Sisli Etfal Training Hospital İstanbul.
 Master’s Degree in Biomedical Engineering: Bosphorus University, İstanbul;
 Author of the book “Dr.Amino Asit ” on its third edition.
 Practicing Predictive Preventive Personalized Medicine in his Dr Amino Acid Clinic in London and İstanbul.
 Co-founder of personalized supplement R&D Company BioTailor in Technoparkistanbul, İstanbul.
 Founder of Amino Acid Science Limited R&D Company in Translation & Innovation Hub, Imperial College, London.
 He is endorsed as Innovator in Digital Health & Medical Technology by MedCity, UK.
 Developer of Amino acid Analyser, a utility model Reporting-System Of Amino Acids which provides a smart and comprehensive interpretation for Health Assessment and Nutritional Status.

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