Arturo Ponce de León

Arturo Ponce de León


Arturo is a Mexican Architect, Engineer, Psychologist from Autonomous National University of Mexico City. He is a world leading expert in Fractal Geometry, which he has been teaching for 20 years and applying to architectural design in a broad spectrum of projects. He is the author of “Psychogeometry: the Power of Life”, “Biofractal: the Science of Sacred Geometry and Biological Architecture" and co-author of the author of the book "The Power of Sacred Location”. He is an international speaker in universities, conferences and seminars and a faculty member of Resonance Academy with the course “Cosmic Design: Linking the Micro, Meso and Macrocosm”. He is the founder of Psicogeometry, Arqka, University of Sacred Geometry and co-founder of Geophilia Institute.

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