Dr. Lydia Gian. de León

Dr. Lydia Gian. de León

Architect Geobiology researcher

Dr Lydia is a Greek Architect from the National Technical University of Athens, with a focus on the relation of buildings on health and well-being. She holds a Ph.D in Geobiology from the University of Ioannina, on the subject of the effect of geophysical anomalies on biology and has published in peer-review journals and conferences. She also holds an MSc in Sustainable Environmental Design from AA School in London and she is a faculty member of Resonance Academy with the course “The Science of Ancient Temples”. She has been researching for 15 years the relation of ancient temples and their location, and she is the author of the book "The Power of Sacred Location". She has been collaborating with the renowned physicist Nassim Haramein in scientific research on Ancient Temples. She is the creator of Healing Architecture and co-founder of Geophilia Institute.

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