Welcome to the MediLiVes School of Health and Wellbeing.

Are you interested in:

Understanding your “constitution” or bio-individuality?
Starting a wellness-related business?
Connecting with a global tribe of game-changers in bion-natural medicine
Recovering from chronic health issues?
Helping others to recover?
Cooking delicious, medicinal, seasonal food

A UK-based Training and Research organisation in Innovative Bio-Natural Medicine which integrates traditional medicine with holistic natural medicine that recognises the cause and cure of disease lies within the whole person – physical, mental and emotional.

MediLiVes introduces Innovation in Health and wellbeing with quantum technology that brings new possibilities and approaches for a healthier lifestyle. Using frequency medicine through sound and light, the energy level of the body and each system can be evaluated. That leads to well-being as well as correction of health imbalances.

MediLiVes also collects and provides, under the highest standard that our experts approve, state-of-the-art wellbeing products, supplements, and cosmetics that provide the greatest benefit for our body and our environment.

We work with partner organisations such as various universities, colleges, hospitals, and Health and well-being centres in order to help people to achieve optimal health through the use of Complementary, Alternative, Holistic and Integrative Medicines.

Our Doctors and Allied Healthcare Professionals are from various backgrounds and countries, thus they are able to share good practices from around the globe for the benefit of our patients globally.

Our Doctors and Allied Healthcare Practitioners’ Therapeutic approach include a multitude of modalities: Psychology, Homeopathy, Herbal Medicine, Patient Consultation, Quantum Technologies and Therapy, Bio-Resonance Technology and Therapy, Electromagnetic Fields, and Radiation Therapy.

Our Therapeutic approaches focus on the point where the disease was triggered primarily, helping resolve the Emotional, Subconscious, Electromagnetic and Biochemical Stress that led to Physical Discomfort, Imbalance, and Diseases.
Our Therapeutic approaches assist patients to achieve a more sustainable, radiant health while connecting with the technologies to allow real-time recovery to proliferate.
We promote and support the individual decision as to their preferred method of treatment.

We offer Healthcare and Wellbeing Professionals/Practitioners a broad range of comprehensive Educational Opportunities to learn and practice the principles of Holistic Medicine in Complementary/Alternative/Integrative Medicine, Health-Promotion and Well-Being.

Completing one of our courses, all of which are accredited by the Complementary Medical Association (CMA) UK will lead to you becoming a CMA Registered Professional Practitioner. The CMA is a not-for-profit organisation whose primary aim is to promote ethical, responsible Professional Complementary Medicine to the public and the Medical and Allied Healthcare

We support the elderly, and disabled by providing them with the opportunity to enjoy lives just as anyone else on our equal opportunities framework.
Copyright Medi – science international; Medi – science international ltd. trading as Medilives. Office Address:Wework, 1 St Katharine’s Way, London E1W 1UN, UK
Contact: info@medilives.co.uk MEDI-SCIENCE INTERNATIONAL LTD, Company number 11696263
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