Speaker Topics

Day 1
Day 2
21st October 2022
10:00 AM
Today's Medical Challenges Innovative Perspectives For Doctors
Dr Sunny Ahonsi - CEO Of MediLiVes (Keynote Speaker)
10:30 AM
Quantum Technology, Photonic Medicine And How We Can Benefit In Modern Medical Environment
Dr Nikos Chatzibalassis - Naturopathic Doctor - MediLiVes
11:00 AM
The Relationship Of Plasma Amino Acid Profile To Diseases And The Use of Amino Acid Utility Model Reporting System
Dr. John Reynolds
11:45 AM
Networking Break (Teas & Snacks)
12:00 PM
Emerging Healthcare Technologies - An NHS Perspective
Professor Rotimi Jaiyesimi - Obstetrician Gynecologist - NHS
12:45 PM
Music & Sound Frequencies - Therapeutic Benefits
Sophia Georgieva
1:00 PM
Lunch Break With Networking
2:30 PM
Nutrition & Lifestyle - An Alternative Approach To Diabetes
Tony Kelly - NHS Diabetes Ambassador - UK Community Champion
3:15 PM
Intestinal Microbiome - How It Affects Mental Development
Dr. Athena Balaska - Director Of Paediatric Hospital, Greece
4:00 PM
Networking Break (Teas & Snacks)
4:15 PM
Opportunities In Digital Health Delivery To At - Risk Populations
Sharah Chessa
4:45 PM
Panel Discussion
5:30 PM
22nd October 2022
10:00 AM
Lifestyle Medicine - The Health Paradigm For The 21st Century
Dr hc Bianca Madison - Vuleta
10:30 AM
Rewind Your Body Clock - The Complete Natural Guide To A Happier, Healthier, Younger You
Jayney Goddard - President Of The CMA
11:15 AM
"Ulysses Syndrome" - Meeting The Mental Health Challenges Of Global Migration
Professor Joseba Achotequi & Dr Dori Espeso - University Of Barcelona
12:00 PM
Networking Break (Teas & Snacks)
12:15 PM
Logotherapy, Mental Health, Modern Therapeutics, Frequency Medicine
Nancy Liscano, Dr Nikos Chatzibalassis, Professor Joseba Achotequi & Dr Dori Espeso
1:00 PM
Lunch Break With Networking
2:00 PM
Scope Of Homeophaty In Modern Medicine - A Homeophatic Approach To Delicate And Stunted Children
1:00 PM
Lunch Break With Networking
1:00 PM
Lunch Break With Networking
1:00 PM
Lunch Break With Networking
1:00 PM
Lunch Break With Networking
1:00 PM
Lunch Break With Networking
1:00 PM
Lunch Break With Networking
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